Prof. Bruce Bimber
digital media in collective action; belief in conspiracies and falsehoods; social media and democratic backsliding

Daniel Cervantes
elites and the flow of political falsehoods

Pierce Christoffersen
news & digital media, public policy, technology & metrics

Prof. Dan Lane
social media and political engagement, intergroup relations, political inequality

Sterling Lankford
public opinion, selective exposure, and falsehoods

Prof. Guadalupe (Lupita) Madrigal
media, Latinx/a/o populations, race, information,
social identity, and immigration.

Nancy Molina-Rogers
digital media, collective action, marginalized groups, race/ethnicity, intergroup communication

Hannah Overbye
media effects, algorithm bias, human-computer interaction, and marginalized groups

Prof. Prateekshit "Kanu" Pandey
the role of humor and satire in democratic participation, news sharing, and individual political agency in democratic contexts

Yifei Wang
social identity in social media

Recent Alums
Prof. Julien Labarre, CSU Dominguez Hills
Tara Mandrekar, Ourmedia.org
Prof. Daniel Gomez, New Mexico State University
Dr. Shanshan Lu
Ilia Nikiforov, Independent Consultant
Dr. Rajkamal Singh, New York University